Mediumship Experience and Orb Photography

Christina is an evidential trance medium, going into a partial trance to connect with her own guides and those in spirit whom participants wish to contact. Through her and the guides, those spirits provide clear, specific evidence of who they are and what they wish to communicate. For the last half hour, Christina will do spirit photography of the spirits in the room appearing as orbs of light and share her results. Dr. Christina Rawls was a clinical counselor and philosophy professor. In 2021, she chose to leave full-time teaching to pursue a vocation and heartfelt calling as an evidential medium and spirit photographer. She’s been taking spirit photos since 2007 and has three e-books on that subject and aspects of mediumship. Christina wishes to dispel fear of death and bring healing to the bereaved. You’re invited to peruse her website for resources, podcasts, photos, and testimonials: Register when a link appears in the Weekly Buzzzz, or sign up at the sign-up table and pay when you come. Healthy, respectful skepticism welcome, but keep an open mind!
June 2nd, 2024 11:30 AM
Event Fee(s)
Reading $40.00
Observation only $25.00